Are you a Team National member? Super! Team National Members receive 3% - 5% off regular pricing, and cannot be joined with other discounts or offers.
We offer you, our valued clients several ways to save.
Our first 8 customers will receive a substantial discount. Interested. Sign up for our Newsletter below.
Tell A Friend Special. If it leads to the sale of a one-way trip, you'll receive 15% off your full-price seat.
Are you Active Military? If so, you ride for free. Yes, Free.
Are you Former Military? You'll get a discount for your service, and thank you in advance.
Are you a senior (over 60)? You'll receive a discount as well.
Traveling with kids? Children 8 years and under not occupying a seat can ride get a big discount.
Refer a friend? If you refer a friend, and they book a trip with us, you'll receive a code for a discount on your next booking.
Are you a frequent ATL 'FREQUENT' FLYER? Great! You'll get a discount each time you book with us.